The Alcohol Connection
There is a huge connect between alcohol & anxiety & panic disorder. Even if you are not an alcoholic, if this runs in your family medical history you may be having symptoms related to alcohol issues. These can even be seen in children who have never touched alcohol. It is simply a genetic tendency. Therefore, it is in your best interest to learn about this connection & become familia with what you need to do to manage this. You may be surprised how much better you will feel... Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Alcohol can be problematic for many people, especially those from families with a history of alcoholism, diabetes, heart disease and harboring other addictions. A family history of alcoholism is usually connected to reactive hypoglycemia or sugar addiction issues. This is true even if the individual does not drink alcohol and includes children as well. As you work with the tools of Interactive Awareness, it is important to notice the amount of alcohol consumed, when it is consumed, related emotions or trigger behaviors and of course the outcomes.
Next in line is tobacco and recreational drugs ...
There is absolutely nothing positive about tobacco whether it be smoked, chewed or simply positioned in the mouth. Everyone reading this program who has any sort of relationship with tobacco should be working towards total removal of these killer substances from their body. As you work with this program and change your nutritional choices you will find the desire to use tobacco decreases enormously. This is because all smokers, like all alcoholics have the tendency towards reactive hypoglycemia.
Claire: I stopped drinking about five years ago and noticed that I smoked more than ever. My doctor told me that it was necessary for me to quit and so I did. I then turned to sugar during times of stress. Lately I’ve been feeling so out of control with this and sicker than ever. Since obviously I’m an addicted personality type, how can I ever get well and how can I manage my emotions during rough periods?
Claire has experienced “switching” addictions, but not managing her tendency towards an addictive personality. She also has framed her “addictive personality” as a hindrance. Addictions are managed with high level nutrition designed to meet the individual’s needs and mind tools to manage emotions and body sensations. The tools of Interactive Self-Hypnosis will help Claire to manage moments and edit old belief patterns that keep her locked in an unhealthy frame.
If there is nothing to be said for tobacco, there is definitely nothing to be said for recreational drugs. This is the not the place to be discussing marijuana use for cancer patients. If you do experiment or use recreational drugs as part of your life you will find the desire for them decreasing as you follow this program. Once again this is because of the reactive hypoglycemia link.
Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, President & Program Designer for Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute located in Sarasota, FL & online at & She is the author of Sugar....the Hidden Eating Disorder & How to Lick It, Beyond Disorderly Eating...The Truth About Sugar, Bingeing & How to Stop, as well as The MindBody Fitness Boot Camp... Lifestyle Change Made Easy. She has also written & produced +350 audio CD's & mp3's. The websites include moderated discussion groups, ezines, library & a host of other educational tools for learning Interactive Self-Hypnosis. Visit the online Boot Camp & work directly with the author. Download a free mp3 each month.
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